Groupon merchant support
Groupon merchant support

If you are an owner of the account, you can add new users in this section by clicking +Add User. You cannot log in to Gateway with these email addresses unless they have been added as users by the account owner. Please note : Account users are not automatically generated from your Customer Service and Accounts Receivable email addresses provided during account creation. User permissions will show as either owner or member under Relationship. When you navigate to users, you can see which users have access to the account and what permissions they have. In the upper right-hand corner, you will notice that you can toggle between profile and users. Also, the Taxes and Terms & Agreement sections cannot be edited after they have been completed. If you need to edit either of these fields, please open a support ticket so that we can assist you. Please note that you cannot edit your legal business name or business contact email address. Simply click on the Edit Info button in the top right-hand corner to manage the Business Info, Fulfillment, and Payments sections.

groupon merchant support

Once you have navigated to your profile, you will see the various sections of your account that can be managed.

groupon merchant support

You can manage your Gateway account by clicking on Profile, under Manage, in the left-hand navigation. Merchant Central Marketplace on Gateway Welcome to Groupon Goods Marketplace Manage your account and users in Gateway

Groupon merchant support